Corporate Governance
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JNC Group aims to maximize our corporate value by realizing an effectual corporate governance to guarantee soundness, fairness and transparency in business management.
JNC Corporate Governance System
- *1 Board of Directors :
- The Board of Directors makes managerial decisions, and simultaneously allows each Executive Officer to report the status of execution of business and supervises the execution of business. The Board of Directors consists of Directors.
- *2 Management Committee :
- The Management Committee discusses and decides managerial basic objectives, policies, plans, and execution of particularly important business. The Management Committee consists of Executive Officers with special titles, and persons specifically appointed by the chairman.
- *3 Board of Auditors :
- The Board of Auditors consists of 2 Corporate Auditors and 2 Outside Corporate Auditors. Each Auditor attends important in-house meetings, including the meetings of the Board of Directors to conduct strict audit.