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Cellufine Sulfate

SO PY Vol PP TI AU Gel target
2012 56 490-5 Purification of human and avian influenza viruses using cellulose sulfate ester (Cellufine Sulfate) in the process of vaccine production. Y.Sakoda, M.Okamatsu, N.Isoda, N.Yamamoto, K.Ozaki, Y.Umeda, S.Aoyama, H.Kida Cellufine
Avian influenza viruses
Protein Expression and Purification 2011 78 149-155 Efficient and rapid purification of drug- and gene carrying bio-nanocapsules, hepatitis B virus surface antigen L particles, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Jung, M. Iijima, N.Yoshimoto, M. Sasaki, T. Niimi, K.Tatematsu, S.Y. Jeong, E.K.Choi, K.Tanizawa, S.Kuroda Cellufine Sulfate Hepatitis B antigen (L)
J Virol Methods 2011 174 131-5 Purification and concentration of non-infectious West Nile virus-like particles and infectious virions using a pseudo-affinity Cellufine Sulfate column. N. Ohtaki, H.Takahashi, K. Kaneko, Y. Gomi, T. Ishikawa, Y. Higashi, M. Toddokoro, T.Kurata, T.Sata, A.Kojima Cellufine Sulfate West Nile virus-like particles
J Chromatogr A 2011 1218 5279-85 Downstream processing of Vero cell-derived human influenza A virus (H1N1) grown in serum-free medium. C.He, Z. Yang, K. Tong Cellufine Sulfate Vero cell-derived human influenza A virus (H1N1)
Vaccine 2007 25 8180-89 Development and preclinical evaluation of an alphavirus replicon vaccine for influenza. B.Hubby, T.Talarico, M. Maughan, E.A.Reap, P.Berglund, K.I.Kamrud, L.Copp, W.Lewis, C.Cecil, P. Norberg, J.Wagner, A.Watson, S.Negri, B.K.Burnett, A.Graham, J.F.Smith, J.D.Chulay Cellufine Sulfate Influenza A (H3N2) VLP
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