Coloring sample of MC-Media Pad EC | E.coli / Coliform

E.coli and coliforms

MC-Media Pad EC Coloring sample: E. coli 

Clor development Indigo to magenta
Feature All are E. coli.

E.coli and coliforms

MC-Media Pad EC Coloring sample: E. coli 2 

Color development Indigo to magenta
Feature Some Escherichia coli develop a magenta color depending on the type and condition of the bacteria. These are all E. coli.

E.coli and coliforms

MC-Media Pad ECColoring sample: E.coli and coliforms 

Color development E.coli:Indigo to magenta
Coliforms:light blue
Feature Both E. coli and coliforms are colored. The area surrounded by red is E. coli. The other light blue is coliforms.

E.coli and coliforms

MC-Media Pad EC Coloring sample: Food sample chicken liver 

Food specimen Chicken liver
Feature Colonies can be confirmed though the color is entirely developed by the enzyme contained in the internal organs. If the colonies are difficult to see, further dilution can reduce the color development caused by the food enzyme.

E.coli and coliforms

MC-Media Pad EC Coloring sample: Food sample cheese 

Food specimen Cheese
Feature Colonies can be confirmed though the color is entirely developed by the enzyme contained in the dairy product. If the colonies are difficult to see, further dilution can reduce the color development caused by the food enzyme.