Introducing the WEB site for the natural cationic polymer "Polylysine"

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ε-Polylysine (ε-poly-L-lysine) is a natural cationic polymer produced fermentatively by microorganisms. Due to its high safety, it is used as a food preservative and contributes to reducing food loss.

In recent years, due to its high safety and excellent antibacterial properties, it is used not only as a food preservative, but also for various purposes such as wet wipes, disinfectant sprays and other toiletries, and cosmetics.

In addition, ε-Polylysine is used in various industries such as CMP slurries in the semiconductor field, enzymes, and processing aids that aggregate and remove unnecessary bacteria and proteins during food manufacturing, taking advantage of its characteristics as a cationic polymer. In recent years, ε-Polylysine has been attracting more and more attention as a naturally-derived cationic polymer.

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